District Goals
It is the goal of the Prentice School District to develop in each student the following qualities:
………. from a feeling of self-worth
………. from having pride in work well-done
………. from self-discipline
………. from experience in physical activities
………. from overcoming failure
………. in reading, writing, and arithmetic skills
………. in the ability to study independently
………. in the development of spiritual, ethical, and moral value
………. in skills of communication of information, ideas, and feelings
………. in use of concepts and ideas of mathematical, physical, natural, and social sciences
………. in ability to interact with other people and with the complete environment
………. to listen with understanding to ideas of others
………. to respect associates at home, at school, and everywhere
………. to understand and respect persons with cultural differences
………. to be sensitive to the needs and desires of others
………. to be aware of the effect of actions on our physical and natural environment
………. to behave responsibly
………. for always seeking information and ideas for lifelong learning
………. for questioning ideas and conclusions of others
………. for understanding the effect of new events and ideas
………. for finding logical explanations for problems
………. for predicting and evaluating the probable effects of own efforts and those of others
………. for developing interest in the arts and humanities
………. to imagine a better way to meet a challenge
………. to develop a new synthesis of skills and ideas to express feeling
………. to combine ideas and information to extend knowledge and capability