Title I
Title I of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA/ESEA) is a federal funding program designed to close achievement gaps and ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. Part A, the largest part of the program, allocates funding to districts and other local educational agencies (LEAs) according to a formula based on numbers/percentages of children from low-income families. LEAs distribute much of the funding directly to individual public schools and use the rest to support other efforts within the LEA that benefit students needing additional academic support.  For more info on this program, please visit the Wisconsin DPI Title I website.

​TITLE I Parent Involvement Policy

The Prentice School District recognizes that all parents are a vital component for their student’s success.  The district will have parents of Title I students be a part of planning and implementation of the Title I program.  Effective parent involvement activities will help improve student academic achievement and school performance.

Title I Parent Involvement 

The responsibility for implementation of the Title I ESEA policy is shared between the Title I teaching staff and each building Principal.  The designation of these duties is described below.  

Title I ESEA Staff Responsibilities 

Provide letters to parents regarding Title I ESEA programs and curriculum, how their children were selected for Title I ESEA, how their progress will be measured, how much progress they are expected to make during the school year, and how their performance compares to that of their schoolmates.

  1. Provide orientation meeting for parents each school year before the end of the first quarter.
  2. Provide parents of each school with the results of the annual review.  This review is to include the individual school performance profiles.
  3. Provide timely notification to parents, in the form of letters and flyers, regarding Title I ESEA meetings and workshops.
  4. Offer professional development opportunities for teachers on increasing their effectiveness in teaching all students eligible for Title I ESEA services and on addressing the needs of Title I ESEA parents.
  5. Offer workshops for parents on how to help assist in the instruction of their children.
  6. Send data regarding year-end Title I ESEA program evaluation results to all parents.
  7. Invite parents to and include parents in Title I ESEA program review team meetings.

    Title I Informational Presentation – click here

Title I ESEA Building Level Responsibilities 

Each Title I ESEA Principal will invite all parents to attend their school’s program planning meetings, school review and improvement meetings.  Title I ESEA teachers will provide parents with quarterly written reports on the progress of their children, so that parents can know the extent to which they are learning.  Teachers will be available for individual conferences at the regularly scheduled District Parent/Teacher Conference dates, and at other times by appointment through each building office.  Meeting times will take into account the need to accommodate a variety of parent work schedules.  Through these reports and conferences, Title I ESEA teachers will provide parents with the results of evaluations of student progress.  These evaluations will include, but will not be limited to, test results, measurements of homework turned in, homework completed, student attitudes and student behavior. 

Each Title I ESEA School Will: 

  • Design and sponsor activities to address the needs of children which are unmet due to the absence of one parent.
  • Design types of parent involvement that do not involve being at school such as helping teachers by assembling materials at home for use in classroom activities
  • Offer opportunities and materials for parents to participate in classroom activities.

Title I Reading Specialist – Sandra Nehls

Prentice School District

1025 Town Street
Prentice, WI 54556
phone: 715.428.2811
fax: 715.428.2815

Prentice School District

1025 Town Street
Prentice, WI 54556
phone: 715.428.2811
fax: 715.428.2815